Friday, June 29, 2012

Quick Note, aka "That's Just Creepy"

While I was cleaning up last night after the Smurfs went to bed, I started watching one of the Twilight movies.  Normally I would not watch something like this, but I was bored and it kept me busy while cleaning (I have some difficulties focusing on one task at a time).  I understand that it's catered to teenage girls (and some older women with issues), but I was creeped out by the fact that you've got this guy who, though looks 18, is really a helluva lot older and is crushing on a 16/17 year old girl.  I just kept thinking "this guy is a pedophile" in the back of my head.  Maybe it was just me, but if he was really such a gentleman then he wouldn't be hanging around a high school picking up girls as if he's David Wooderson/Matthew McConaughey from Dazed and Confused.  Why not go to a college and pretend to be a freshman or sophomore?  That's all for now.


  1. LOL!! I always said the story is a good one if you can get past the pedophile aspect of it all! Glad I'm not the only one...

    1. Nope, can't get past that one. Putting on the brakes and just backing away. It's creepier than in Kiss from a Vampire where that kid was turned, yet just prior to that they talk about how biting people was similar to having sex and an orgasm. Again, veeery creepy.
