Friday, June 29, 2012

Daily Anecdotes, aka "The Good, The Bad, The In-Laws"

So today was stressful work-wise but i got through it with minimal psychological damage.  The in-laws weren't as bad as they could have been, but it still makes me flirt with the idea of smoking again.  So today's highlights:

Spent almost two hours explaining to an 18 y.o. why he has to lose some of his SSI when he makes more than a certain amount per month from working.  He kept saying that it was b.s. and wasn't fair.  I finally got to the point where I told him "yeah it sucks, but that's life.  You learn to deal with it or make enough money so you don't rely on it."  I still know he's not going to grasp it and will only try to remember parts of the conversation.

5 members of my in-laws visited (two sisters, parents, and a niece).  Two more are supposed to be in the area tomorrow.  I know they are trying to be helpful, but they aren't.  I appreciate their offers of assistance, but after all these years i'm surprised they don't know what I would and would not accept.  I would not accept someone else cleaning our house unless we are moving.  I would not accept them cooking at our house to feed the kids (I'm slightly insulted by that one).  I would not accept them taking the Smurfs away while I "relaxed" because they I don't agree with their discipline style (none at all) and I wouldn't relax because I would be worried about them.   They could take a cue from my neighbor who borrowed my lawnmower; he mowed the rest of my backyard and didn't even mention it afterwards.  That's classy to me because he didn't brag about it afterwards or make a point multiple times of saying that he wanted to help me.  He just did it and then left it alone.  That man deserves a thank-you card!

Mother in-law brought a lot of useless crap as usual.  I think she's one of those bag ladies in the store that just pick up random stuff and gives it away when she realizes that she has picked up crappy things.  This is the dress she brought for Smurf 2 (who is only 3) and thought that it's something she would like.  Smurf 2 has her own sense of clothing style and will often match her colors, creating pretty decent outfits.  She looked at that dress, then her grandmother, and just walked away (had to stifle a laugh).

Why would you offer to give a hyperactive, adrenaline-driven 4 year old a toothpick? That's just an ER trip waiting to happen.

I know I am overweight and need to exercise to be in better shape. However, after watching my in-laws have difficulty keeping up with my Smurfs I felt much better about my fitness level.  Also makes me realize how easily I can exploit/utilize my children as exercise equipment. 

We made chocolate chip cookies.  Well, Tollhouse made the cookies and I heated them up.  Anyway, while eating them I noticed Smurf 1 rubbing his ear with his shirt and moving as if his ear hurt.  I checked it out, and he had chocolate in his ear.  Apparently he stuck a chocolate chip covered finger in his ear and left part of it there.  I got it out without freaking out, but I almost called the wife about it.  See, I don't do well with minor medical issues such as fevers, headaches, stomachaches, etc.  IF it's something major like a broken bone, severe fever, strep (happened once), viral meningitis, etc. then I don't have problems with them because i'm used to helping with those types of situations due to my job.  I think dealing with the worst has me prepared for worse-case scenarios, but then whenever something minor happens I wonder if it's going to blow into something more.  Just part of my anxiety issues I guess.

31 weeks and counting now.  In two weeks we do another growth check, and if Smurf 3 hasn't progressed enough in growth then they're going to deliver him.  If he has, then they'll let him stay until 36 weeks.  We shall see what happens.

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